Review page

At CoorpID, we are constantly working on improving our product and developing new features based on our expertise, KYC/CDD best practices and customer feedback.

In January 2023, we released our biggest release ever: Review 2.0. On this page, we tell you all about it.

multibanking Image

Our new release CoorpID Review 2.0 contains a number of exciting new features and significant improvements. You can perform bulk actions and individual actions for the entities of the corporations that have accepted your invitation to join the CoorpID platform. For example, you can send a general information request to all entities at once or individual information requests to the selected entities. 

With this new release banks and financial institutions can easily:

Improved workflow

Invite a corporation to join the CoorpID platform and then invite multiple entities of the corporation for a review

Multiple entities

Perform bulk or individual actions for the selected entities

One click validation

Send information requests to multiple entities of a corporation

Status monitoring

Monitor the status of multiple information requests

Improved Corporations Overview

We improved the Corporations Overview. The Corporations Overview page is the starting point to invite corporations, view client information and view reviews. You have a clear overview of all corporations assigned to your team(s) and can immediately see the onboarding status and where action is required. With the new sorting function, you can easily see the latest activity. In addition, the audit log has also been improved.

Guided Review Editor

In this new release, we also introduced the ‘Guided Review Editor’, a step-by-step editor to help you create a (multiple entity) review to request information from corporate clients and their various entities.

Review page

You can easily monitor the status of the information requests that you have sent via the ‘Review Page’ that contains a detailed overview of the information that you have requested from each entity and the status of this information request. Furthermore you can edit information requests and ask for additional information. In addition you can reopen a review anytime and request whether the information is still applicable by simply checking the box.

CoorpID onboarding

CoorpID is a digital vault
for storing and sharing KYC information

Simplifying corporate KYC data exchange

Companies face increasing demands to manage know your customer (KYC) data efficiently and securely.