Let's have a chat at Sibos 2023 in Toronto.
CoorpID offers a web-based platform that helps banks and corporations to easily structure and share KYC company information, across multiple entities.
Come and meet CoorpID at stand L44. Our CEO Job den Hamer is happy to meet you there! Schedule your meeting in the Sibos app or through this calendar to minimize your KYC hassle.
Introducing CoorpID
In 2006, KYC regulations requiring banks to identify their customers came into effect. While working for ING UK at the time, our CEO Job den Hamer had to call clients and ask for copies of their passports. They weren’t happy with this request and some even sent emails to his boss saying he should be fired. We have come a long way since then but clients still regard the whole KYC process as a nuisance and, in some cases, an invasion of their privacy. With this in mind, ING Lab’s launched CoorpID to facilitate a frictionless exchange of KYC documents between banks and corporate clients.
Today, CoorpID tackles the wide range of KYC challenges that threaten to undermine the customer experience or cause significant reputational damage. Built by a group of constructive rebels, CoorpID combines clarity, commitment and collaboration in a single, secure package that takes the stress out of the KYC outreach process. www.coorpid.com

Know Your Customer (KYC) has turned out to be a lot more burdensome and costly than anyone in the financial services industry could possibly have anticipated when the first Anti-Money Laundering regulations came into force. Based on our in-depth knowledge of the financial services industry and our ongoing dialogue with existing and potential CoorpID customers, we have identified multiple KYC challenges that financial institutions (FIs) are facing today.
Interested in understanding more about the KYC challenges banks and financials institutions face? Download our e-book.